Recently, the USCIS announced that the initial registration period to cover FY 2022 for H-1B cap visas would begin at noon on March 9 and end at noon on March 25. Potential petitioners and representatives will be allowed to file their petitioner and beneficiary data to submit registration. Each registration will be assigned a confirmation number.
The number will only be used to track the registration and not case status on Case Status Online. The myUSCIS account will be needed to be used by petitioners and their representatives in order to register beneficiaries electronically before the selection process. There is also a related $10 fee that will need to be paid for each of the H-1B registrations submitted. Petitioners will need to use the “registrant” account that will soon be made available prior to the opening date.
However, representatives will be able to include their client information in their own account at any time during the initial registration period. The new system will allow both petitioners or representatives to submit registrations for a number of beneficiaries during one session. By using their account, they will be able to upload information, edit, and store draft registrations before final payments and submission. If enough registrations are received by March 25, registrations will be randomly selected, and the visa notification will be sent to the myUSCIS accounts. It is currently intended for notifications to be sent to account holders by March 31. H-1B cap-subject petition can only be filed by those who have their registration for their beneficiary selected through the H-1B registration process.
In order to ensure that representatives and registrants get familiar with the new online filing process, public engagements and outreach activities will be conducted. For additional information and an instructional video for registration and other issues can be found on the H-1B Electronic Registration Process webpage.
H-1B Selection Process Effective Date Delay Rule
According to the USCIS announcement, DHS will be delaying the effective date for the H-1B Selection Process determination until December 31, 2021. The USCIS will enforce the current regulations place concerning the random selection after the period of initial registration. This will also be the case if there are other subsequent registration periods for FY 2022 registration process before December 31. 31, 2021.
For more information, see the Federal Register notice.